
13154 Coit Rd, Suite 200
Dallas, Texas 75240

Office: (214) 828-9500 /// Request Line: (972) 647-1893


Public Comments email:  publiccomments@knon.org

Send us new music: music893@knon.org

Gospel Announcements email:  gospel893@knon.org    


Business, Concert, and Nightclub Announcements

For rates and information, please call or email our Account Executives


Jesse Gonzales (DJ Kane):
Monday to Friday 10 AM to 6 PM

214-828-9500 ext 227                                              jesseg@knon.org

Christian Lee:
Monday to Friday 10 AM to 6 PM
214-828-9500 ext 234

Gregg Smith:




Production and Traffic Manager

Pierre Jacobson:
Tuesday to Friday 10 AM to 6:30 PM Saturday 6:30 am to 3 pm
(214) 828-9500 ext 223

Public Service Announcements (PSAs) & Church Announcements
Does the work you do provide a service to the North Texas community? If so, that is the information we would like to share in a PSA message.

Submit Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) to pierre@knon.org

Two weeks advance notice required. Announcements considered but not guaranteed. 

The mission of KNON is to be the Voice of The People in the Dallas area. We provide unique programming to reflect the diversity of the entire Metroplex community. We are interested in offering public service announcements (PSAs) that will also be of service to our listening audience. We can offer a 30-second PSA with the goal of providing useful information to listeners. This is available only to non-profit organizations. KNON plays PSAs at set intervals based on time and availability. 

Copyright Agent Contact Info:  Dave Chaos 214-828-9500 x 222 or KNON 13154 Coit Road, Suite 200, Dallas, TX 75240

Music Tracking / Pledge Coordinator

Christian Lee:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 10 AM to 6 PM
(214) 828-9500 ext 234
New music: music893@knon.org

Send music to:
13154 Coit Rd, Suite 200
Dallas,TX 75240


You may also email your music directly to any DJ with their email address listed on the formats page at this site.

Not every DJ at KNON has provided the station with an email address for music submissions. KNON DJ’s select their own music for airplay. We do not have playlists for the DJ’s to follow. If you do not find a DJ’s email address on the web site then your are welcome to mail your music package to that DJ’s attention.

Pledge Drive, Your Pledge and Pledge Premiums (T-Shirts, tickets, etc)

Feel free to call or email Christian with any questions concerning your Pledge. When emailing please include your name, show you pledged to, your phone number, the amount you pledged and the premium you were promised. Pledge Premiums are mailed every weekend after Pledge Drive ends until we have sent everyone’s. It takes 3 to 6 weeks for a premium to go out after a Pledge has been paid.


Christian Lee:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 10 AM to 6 PM
(214) 828-9500 ext 234

Interested in getting a show on KNON?

  1. Please download and fill out The KNON Volunteer Application.
  2. Then email to knongm@knon.org

KNON welcomes all show proposals. If an opening occurs at KNON we review proposals and conduct interviews with qualified candidates at that time. KNON does not contact anyone about show proposals until an opening occurs. Too many proposals are received to contact everyone. You will be contacted in the event an opening occurs and your proposal is selected for consideration. We never encourage or discourage folks as we never know when an opening may occur. Openings typically occur when an existing show repeatedly fails to meet it’s Pledge Goals, a DJ resigns, or KNON’s Board of Directors decides on a format change. Send all show proposals to KNON’s Station Manager at knongm@knon.org or mail in to the address above. No Phone Calls Please.

Don’t want a show but want to volunteer at the station? Send an email to: volunteer@knon.org 

Station Manager

Dave Chaos:
(214) 828-9500 ext 222
Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM