Lambda Weekly
DJ: David T
Sundays 1 pm – 2 pm
KNON Format: Talk
When “Lambda Weekly” debuted on Dallas radio station 89.3 KNON-FM in 1983, it was one of the first radio shows in the country providing news, information and interviews of interest to the gay and lesbian community.
“Lambda Weekly” presenting the broad spectrum of gay and lesbian life with discussions of everything from issues such as gay marriage, immigration equality and gay youth to broadcasting from Gay Day at Six Flags from the top of a roller coaster.
Having been on the air since 1983, “Lambda Weekly” is one of the few shows that has run continuously since KNON’s inception. It is now the longest-running gay and lesbian show on the air anywhere.
Host David Taffet probably has more GLBT broadcast experience than anyone else in the world with almost 20 years at the helm of this show and as host of “On Q Live” for a year on the Q Television Network.
Lerone Landis and Patti Fink each have hosted Lambda Weekly for over five years giving the cast more than 30 years of gay broadcasting experience.
Patti Fink is a native Texan, and has lived and worked in Dallas since 1989. Her family lived in West Texas for a time and, as an oil brat, Patti grew up in North Africa and Europe. After graduating from an international boarding school near Geneva, Switzerland, Patti returned to the US to attend Baylor University in Waco, Texas. She is president of Dallas Gay and Lesbian Alliance. Her partner is former Lambda Weekly host Erin Moore.
Lerone Landis is also a native Texan and landed his first job in radio as an Operations Technician @ USA Radio Network in Dallas. After a few months he starting reporting for the sports updates for the network. Imagine that – a sports anchor queen! He later graduated from the University of North Texas with a BA in Radio, Television & Film. He and his husband Danny married last year in Vancouver, Canada after 10 years together. Lerone & Danny welcomed the birth of their first baby into the world in December of 2008.
Alex Hanselka is the newest addition to the show. He is a student and is assisting with the newest project of recording and streaming the show.
Milestones in the show’s history include:
Bill Nelson, one of the show’s first hosts, left KNON to run for city council.
Host Alonso Duralde left the show to move to California and is now an editor of national news magazine “The Advocate.”
In 1993, “Lambda Weekly” broadcast two hours live from the March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian Rights using new technology that included carrying a modern five-pound cell phone.
When Chastity Bono (now Chaz) appeared on “Lambda Weekly,” it was her first broadcast interview as an out lesbian.
Other celebrity guests have included Charo, Lisa Loeb, Jagger, The Dixie Chicks, SONiA, Jaston Williams and Joe Sears (Greater Tuna), Alan Sues (Laugh In), Dan Butler (Frazier), Cathy Rigby, Greg Louganis, original Mousketeer Cubby O’Brien, Del Shores (Sordid Lives), transgender author Kate Borenstein and pianist Michael Feinstein.
Guests of national importance to the GLBT community have included the legal director of Lambda Legal, the executive directors of PFLAG, Immigration Equality, Human Rights Campaign, The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, GLAAD and American Veteran for Equal Rights. Howard Dean, David Mixner, Donna Redwing, Evan Wolfson, Torri Osborn, and Dixon Osborne have also been “Lambda Weekly” guests.
This show is archived every week below: