Here’s a list of DFW schools that are offering free lunches during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Allen ISD:
Allen ISD will provide breakfast and lunch while schools are shut down, and meal service will continue if the district extends its closure. Breakfast will be available for any Allen ISD student from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and lunch will be available for pick up from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Here’s where students can pick up meals curbside:
Boyd Elementary School & Roundtree Elementary School
Arlington ISD:
Arlington ISD will distribute meals at 23 different locations for children 18 years and younger. The meals will include a packaged lunch and a light breakfast for the next morning. The meals will be available from 11 a.m. to 1 pm. and children must be present to pick up a meal. No student ID is required. Below you’ll find the list of the Arlington ISD student meal sites:
- Dipert Career+Technical Center
- Sam Houston High School
- Ferguson Education Center
- Bailey Junior High
- Barnett Junior High
- Boles Junior High
- Nichols Junior. High
- Ousley Junior High
- Shackelford Junior High
- Workman Junior High
- Young Junior High
- Crouch Elementary
- Farrell Elementary
- Knox Elementary
- Larson Elementary
- Miller Elementary
- Pope Elementary
- Sherrod Elementary
- Short Elementary
- Speer Elementary
- Starrett Elementary
- Swift Elementary
- Wood Elementary
Additional help can be found on the Arlington ISD website.
Cedar Hill ISD:
Cedar Hill ISD is offering sack breakfasts and lunches at four locations to anyone under the age of 18. Breakfast will be available from 7:30 to 8:30 AM and lunch will be available from 11 AM to 1 PM. These sack meals will be served on weekdays while the district is closed. Below you’ll find the list of where to pick up these meals.
- Plummer Elementary (Door #3)
- High Pointe Elementary (Door #1)
- Bessie Coleman Middle School (Door #15)
- Cedar Hill HS (Door #12)
Dallas ISD:
Dallas ISD is offering free to-go meals to children 18 years and younger. Meals will be distributed once a week, between 10 AM and 1 PM on Thursdays. Thursday pick-up days will include 7 meals of breakfast, 7 meals of lunch and 1 dinner meal. These locations may change, we’ll try to keep them updated here, but you can find a current up-to-date list by clicking HERE! Below you’ll find a list of current DISD pickup locations:
- Molina, Moises
- Kimball, Justin F.
- Lincoln
- Pinkston, L. G.
- Roosevelt, Franklin
- Samuell, W. W.
- Seagoville Hs
- South Oak Cliff
- Spruce, H. Grady
- Sunset
- White, W. T.
- Carter, David W.
- North Dallas
- Skyline
- Madison, James
- Conrad, Emmett
- Wilmer-Hutchins Hs
- Adamson, W. H.
- Adams, Bryan
- Atwell, W. H.
- Browne, T. W.
- Comstock, E.b.
- Young Men’s Leadership Academy
- Benjamin Franklin International Exploratory Academy
- Gaston, W. H.
- Greiner, W. E.
- Hill, Robert T.
- Holmes, Oliver W.
- Hood, John B.
- Long, J. L.
- Thomas C. Marsh Preparatory Academy
- Rusk, Thomas J.
- Spence, Alex W.
- Stockard, L. V.
- Storey, Boude
- Quintanilla, Raul
- Seagoville Ms
- Zumwalt, Sarah
- Dade, B. E.
- Walker, E. D.
- Tasby, Sam
- Garcia, Hector P.
- Lang, Harold W.
- Medrano, Francisco Pancho
- Kennedy-Curry
- Holmes, Zan
- Balch Springs
- Ann Richards Steam Academy
Frisco ISD:
Frisco ISD is providing students with free meals. Meal pickup is each Wednesday and will include breakfast and lunch for 5 days. Student names & ID will be required during pickup. Pickup times are between 11 AM & 1 PM. The district has asked families to sign up for these meals, the link to do that is HERE! The meals can be picked up at Hunt, Lawler, Pearson, Roach, Scoggins or Trent Middle Schools.
Fort Worth ISD:
Fort Worth ISD is offering to go meals at different locations Monday through Friday while schools are closed. Each child will receive lunch for that day as well as breakfast for the next morning. Parents must be accompanied by their children if they intend to pick-up the meals.
Below you’ll find a list of where to pick up these meals:
Atwood McDonald Elementary School 10 to 11:30 AM
Burton Hill Elementary School 10 to 11:30 AM
Clifford Davis Elementary School 10 to 11:30 AM
Como Montessori School 10 to 11:30 AM
De Zavala Elementary School Noon to 1:30 PM
Dolores Huerta Elementary School Noon to 1:30 PM
Eastern Hills High School Noon to 1:30 PM
Harlean Beal Elementary School Noon to 1:30 PM
Hubbard Heights Elementary School Noon to 1:30 PM
Luella Merrett Elementary School Noon to 1:30 PM
Manuel Jara Elementary School Noon to 1:30 PM
Meacham Middle School Noon to 1:30 PM
Morningside Elementary School 10 to 11:30 AM
Paul L. Dunbar High School 10 to 11:30 AM
Polytechnic High School Noon to 1:30 PM
Southwest High School Noon to 1:30 PM
Springdale Elementary School 10 to 11:30 AM
Western Hills Elementary School 10 to 11:30 AM
Garland ISD:
Garland ISD will provide meals once per day between 11 AM to 1 PM for students 18 and younger. For a full list of their 32 locations & menus, click this LINK.
Irving ISD:
Breakfast & Lunch will be served for any student 18 and younger at the following school locations listed below:
Bowie Middle School
Crockett Middle School
Houston Middle School
Lamar Middle School
Keyes Elementary School
Lee Elementary School
Starting April 6th, meals will be distributed two days of the week between 10 AM & 1 PM on Monday & Thursday. On Monday, students will pick up three days worth of meals and on Thursday, students will pick up two days worth of meals.
Keller ISD:
The district will provide lunches to children 18 and younger in drive-through or curbside. Meals will be served from 10:30 AM to 1 PM, Monday through Friday, with one for each child in the vehicle.
- Basswood Elementary School
- Bluebonnet Elementary School
- Caprock Elementary School
- Eagle Ridge Elementary School
- Friendship Elementary School
- Heritage Elementary School
- Keller-Harvel Elementary School
- North Riverside Elementary School
- Parkview Elementary School
- Sunset Valley Elementary School
- Whitley Road Elementary School
Up to date information can be found on Keller ISD’s website.
Rockwall ISD:
Rockwall ISD Child Nutrition Department is providing “Grab & Go” lunches and snacks for students through May 1 for all children 18 years and younger. Lunches are served Monday-Friday, 11 AM to 1 PM, at 3 locations: Rochell Elementary, Dobbs Elementary and Jones Elementary.